How to Incorporate the Cocooning Design Trend in Your Bathroom

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s natural to seek out rest and solitude (especially for our fellow introverts). And when you actually take a moment to think about it, our inclination to stay home during the winter months makes sense. Many of our mammal counterparts spend the entire winter hibernating as they wait for warmer weather, so why should our instincts be any different? While the modern lifestyle may not allow us to take the entire winter off, we can embrace our natural inclination to stay safe and warm at home — and cocooning is the design trend that will help you create the perfect environment to do just that.
What is Cocooning? For many of us, the term cocoon instantly brings about images of fuzzy caterpillars wrapped up tightly, awaiting their rebirth as a butterfly (and rightfully so). But, amidst the chaos of the Cold War, the term was adopted to describe the human tendency to retreat inside when the outside world is too much to bear. On its most basic level, cocooning is primitive like the comfort and security animals seek from caves or the coziness of bundling up next to a fire. So, while the origin of the term is admittedly a bit heavy, cocooning is intended to make you feel safe, warm, and secure — much like our friend the caterpillar.
How Does That Translate to Design? Unsurprisingly, earthy textures and natural materials are at its core, but cocooning can be elevated to include wrapping ourselves in luxurious comfort too. So, although this trend is well-suited for cozy living rooms and bedrooms, it can be equally as appealing in bathroom design — and here are a few ways to make the most of it.
Create a Colour-Drenched Cavern: Now, the key to cocooning is to create a sense of safety and comfort, and nothing achieves this feeling quite like drenching an entire room in one colour. And by entire room, we mean the walls, woodwork, ceiling, and even fixtures. Now, this may sound counterintuitive since you’ve likely been told to paint smaller spaces in light colours, but you’re going to want to lean into the dark tones for an optimal cocooning effect. Why? Well, colour-drenching an entire space (especially a small one) creates the same ambience that our mammal counterparts seek out in nature. It’s instinctual. Layer in some contrasting metallic finishes (like gold or chrome) and a few plants, and your bathroom will quickly become your favourite place to hide away from the rest of the world.
Layer Curves in Key Spaces: Much like colour drenching, curves and arches create a similar cocooning effect, especially when layered. We’ve been seeing this design trend pop up in architectural archways leading into the shower, curved built-ins next to clawfoot tubs, and storage nooks. But you don’t have to commit to a major renovation to utilize this design trend. It’s less about the actual opening and more about the shapes. So, if arches are out of your budget, use paint or curved furniture in key spaces like your shower, bathtub, and/or vanity to create that same cocooned vibe.
Embrace All Things Cozy: Since cocooning is all about comfort, we would remiss if we didn’t mention textiles. Without the right accessories, the design elements mentioned above may feel a bit cold. To avoid this, layer in plush towels, cozy rugs, your favourite robe, and don’t forget the candles! Candlelight (and fire in general) is a huge component of cocooning comfort, so pick up a few of your favourite candles and layer them throughout your bathroom for all the warm and cozy vibes!
Whether you’re an introvert, despise venturing out in cold weather, or simply have had enough social engagements for the foreseeable future, I think we can all agree that creating a cozy cocoon sounds like a pretty great way to ride out the rest of the season.