5 Tips to Reduce Water Use in Your Bathroom

Our bathrooms are designed to handle a lot of water. It’s why we put down tile instead of hardwood and install fans to combat humidity. While there’s no getting around the fact that our bathroom activities utilize water, we can implement small changes to reduce the amount that we use. Little changes can make a big difference when it comes to improving the sustainability of our households and reducing our impact on the environment. Try out a few of these tips in your bathroom to reduce the water usage of your household one flush at a time.
1. Dual Flush Toilets: Generally speaking, toilets account for one-third of our daily water use. While we would never suggest that you attempt to use the toilet less or implement the cringeworthy ‘if it’s yellow, let it mellow’ policy, there are ways you can limit water use. The easiest way to do this is to install a dual flush toilet. Although replacing your existing toilet may seem expensive, the water savings will end up saving you money in the long run. On average, an older toilet will use about 14 liters of water per flush. In contrast, dual flush toilets use between 2.6 and 4 liters. That’s only 20% of the water that older models use. They reduce water consumption by providing a low-flush volume option for liquids and a higher flush volume for solids. We never said talking toilet efficiency was glamorous, but it is one of the best ways to reduce water consumption in your bathroom.
2. Tap Aerators: Another easy swap that will make your bathroom more environmentally friendly is installing tap aerators in your bathroom faucets. Regular water taps flow at around 18 liters/minute but tap aerators can reduce this by 10 liters. Tap aerators reduce the flow of water by mixing air into the water stream and converting a single heavy stream of water into many smaller streams (while maintaining water pressure). It’s an easy swap that will quietly save you money and reduce your bathroom water usage.
3. Reduce Shower Time: What if we told you there was a way to reduce your water consumption that wouldn’t cost you a single dime? All it takes is a bit of conscious showering and maybe a bit of multitasking, but we’re all pros at that by now. According to the World Health Organization, the average ten-minute shower uses 200L of water, while a 5-minute shower with an eco-friendly tap (or tape aerators) can use as little as 30L. That’s a massive saving! We’re not suggesting that every shower has to be this short, it’s simply about being more conscious with your time. So, if you’re getting ready in the morning make it snappy, the less time you spend in the shower the more time you have to sleep or grab that latte on the way to work!
4. Repair Leaks: Fix that leaky faucet already! You know the one we’re talking about. It lets out a couple of drips long after you’ve brushed your teeth at night. Although it may not seem like a few drops could make much of a difference, we’re here to tell you otherwise. A single drop falling every second can lead to a whopping 4.32L of wasted water a day, or 1577L annually. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. So do the environment and your sanity a favour by putting an end to the drip, drip, drop, of your bathroom faucet.
5. Turn off the Tap: Here’s another tip that won’t cost you a dime; turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. It’s a simple change that can make a massive difference, especially when implemented by your entire family. Reducing faucet run time from two minutes to thirty seconds will save you 18L of water. Water conservation truly doesn’t get easier than that!
Every year we learn more about how our lifestyles are affecting the planet, which is great because knowledge is power. The more we know about reducing water use and increasing sustainability the better. It truly can be as simple as replacing a few fixtures in your bathroom and limiting your shower karaoke session from ten to five minutes. Give it a whirl, the environment (and your water bill) will thank you!